Abstract | U današnje vrijeme sve je veći izbor hrane, pa tako i studenti sve više eksperimentiraju sa svojom prehranom. Upravo im tu mogućnost dopušta selidba iz roditeljskog doma te prvi koraci k osamostaljenju. Uz razne prehrambene navike veliki je broj onih studenata koji se po prvi puta susreću sa kuhanjem. S obzirom na ubrzani studentski život mnogi s vremenom pribjegavaju brzoj hrani, polugotovim namirnicama te uz to pretjerano konzumiraju gazirana pića, energetske napitke, kavu te alkohol. Pretjerano konzumiranje namirnica bogatih aditivima, sladilima, pojačivačima okusa te umjetnim dodacima radi poboljšanja okusa hrane dovodi do raznih bolesti poput povišenog kolesterola, pretilosti te raznih oblika karcinoma. U skladu sa svojim mogućnostima bitno je spriječiti razvoj bolesti povezanih s prehranom i to na način da se zdravo i uravnoteženo hranimo.
Studentske menze jedina su mjesta gdje se student može hraniti u skladu sa svojim budžetom, iz tog razloga sve se više razgovara i poboljšava hrana koju studentski restorani nude. Jelovnik u studentskim restoranima seže od predjela kojeg obično čine juhe, glavnog jela koja mogu biti mesna, riblja ili razne vrste tjestenina, a za desert se nude kolači ili za one koji su za zdraviju verziju u ponudi je voće ili jogurti. Jedini problem je nekolicina onih studenata koji moraju pripaziti na svoju prehranu iz zdravstvenih razloga, većina ih ima alergije ili su pak intolerantni na neku namirnicu. |
Abstract (english) | In today’s world we have very big choice of food, so students are making more and more experiments with food. Experimenting with food makes them independent and easier leaving their family home. Everybody has different eating habits and some of them will use kitchen for the first time. As student life requires rapid living style, many of them are ordering fast food with great usage of soda juices, energetic beverages, coffee and alcohol. Excessive consumption of rich additives food, sweeteners, flavour enhancers and artificial additives which improves food taste can lead to many illnesses, such as high cholesterol, obesity and some kinds of carcinoma. It is important that students, as much as they can, prevent development of nutrition illnesses with consumption of green and balanced feeding. Students canteens are the only place where students can feed in scope of their budget. Because of that, every year there is more and more cooked and green food in students canteens. In students canteen on the menu are usually soup as premeal, meat, fish or different kinds of pasta as main dish and for dessert they offer cakes and muffins or green food, like an apple or yogurt. However, there is problem with students who can’t, for some reason, whether is because of health or some other restriction, eat the same food as other students. |