Abstract | Hrana je bilo koja tvar koja apsorpcijom u ljudskom organizmu doprinosi oĉuvanju
homeostaze. Hranom se osiguravaju nutrijenti (hranjive tvari) nuţni za izgradnju tkiva
(bjelanĉevine, ţeljezo, kalcij), energija za metabolizam i tjelesnu aktivnost (masti i
ugljikohidrati) te nutrijenti potrebni za fiziološke funkcije organizma (vitamini i minerali).
Pravilnom prehranom se odrţava dobro zdravlje, zadovoljavaju se energetske potrebe,
omogućuje se obavljanje fiziĉkog rada, a ne manje vaţan aspekt pravilne prehrane ĉine i njena
organoleptiĉka svojstva.
Meso predstavlja oblik hrane ţivotinjskog izvora koji je dobiven klanjem stoke, peradi,
kunića ili divljaĉi. Predstavlja vaţan dio ĉovjekove prehrane radi visokog udjela bjelanĉevina
koje sadrţi u sebi. Bjelanĉevine koje se nazlaze u mesu su sastavljene od esencijalnih
aminokiselina koje organizam ne moţe sam sintetizirati pa ih je potrebno unositi prehranom, a
koje su potrebne za pravilan rast i razvoj organizma. Prema vrsti mesa koje dolazi u promet
razlikuje se meso govedine, svinjetine, ovĉetine, kozletine, piletine, konjetine i meso raznih
divljaĉi. U radu je detaljno objašnjeno kakvu vaţnost pojedino meso prema vrsti koje dolazi u
promet ima za zdravlje ĉovjeka.
Proizvodi od mesa koji se nalaze u prometu, a koji su definirani Pravilnikom o proizvodima
od mesa (NN 62/2018) su, proizvodi od svjeţeg mesa, kobasice, suhomesnati proizvodi,
polugotova i gotova jela od mesa, konzerve, slanina i ostali proizvodi od mesa.
Odnos mesa i mesnih proizvoda sa turizmom RH je od velike vaţnosti, turisti ne dolaze na
turistiĉka podruĉja samo da bi vidjeli prirodne ljepote zemlje, već su tu i da bi doţivjeli
turizam zemlje i kroz konzumaciju hrane. Pripremom hrane na razliĉite naĉine, ovisno u
kojem podneblju se turist nalazi, stvara se vrhunski turistiĉki doţivljaj. |
Abstract (english) | Food is any substance that contributes to the preservation of homeostasis by absorption in the
human body. Nutrition (nutrients) is essential for the development of tissues (protein, iron,
calcium), energy for metabolism and physical activity (fat and carbohydrates) and nutrients
necessary for the physiological function of the body (vitamins and minerals). Proper nutrition
maintains good health, meets energy needs, enables physical work to be done, and not less
important aspects of proper eating make up its organoleptic properties.
Meat is a form of animal feed that is obtained by slaughtering cattle, poultry, rabbits or game.
It represents an important part of human nutrition for the high proportion of protein contained
in it. Proteins in the flesh are made up of essential amino acids that the body can not
synthesize, and need to be fed with, but they are needed for proper growth and development
of the body. According to the type of meat that comes into circulation, there are beef, pork,
sheep, goat, chicken, horseradish and meat of different game differ. The paper explains in
detail the importance of the individual meat according to the type it comes into circulation for
human health.
Meat products in circulation, as defined in the Ordinance on meat products (NN 62/2018), are
products of fresh meat, sausages, cured meat products, half-carcasses and finished meat,
canned, bacon and other products of meat.
The relationship between meat and meat products with tourism in Croatia is of great
importance, tourists do not come to tourist areas just to see the natural beauties of the country,
but also to experience country tourism and food consumption. Preparing food in different
ways, depending on the tourist's climate, creates a top tourist experience. |