Sažetak | Uredsko poslovanje definiramo kao skup pravila, mjera u postupanju s pismenima, njihovu primanju i izdavanju pismena, njihovoj evidenciji i dostavi u rad, obradi, korištenju, otpremanju, čuvanju, izlučivanju i predaji nadležnom arhivu ili drugom nadležnom tijelu koji sačinjava temeljne pojmove a to su pisarnica, pismohrana, dokument, pismeno (akt ili podnesak), arhiv, klasifikacijska oznaka, urudžbeni broj i ostalo. Pojam uredskog poslovanja unutar tijela državne uprave koji se odnosi na njihov cjelokupan djelokrug rada, propisan je i utemeljen Uredbom o uredskom poslovanju također uz najznačajnija načela koji su nužni kako bi se postigao pravodoban i kvalitetan rad unutar same upravne organizacije (Načelo zakonitosti i točnosti, načelo ekspeditivnosti, načelo jednostavnosti, preglednosti i jednoobraznosti, načelo ekonomičnosti ( štedljivosti) te načelo uljudbenosti. Kroz analizu samog uredskog poslovanja posebnu pažnju se posvećuje pojmu pisarnice koju u daljnjem tekstu definiramo kao posebna unutarnja ustrojstvena jedinica u organu ili organizaciji u kojoj se obavljaju uredski poslovi (primanje i pregled akata i drugih pošiljki, razvrstavanje i raspoređivanje akata, upisivanje akata (vođenje evidencije), dostave akata u rad, administrativno-tehničke obrade akata, otpreme akata; razvođenje akata, stavljanje akata u arhivu (pismohrana) i njihovo čuvanje) a njeni organi se dijele na prijamni ured, daktilografski ured, otpravništvo, dostavni ured te arhiv (registraturni ured).
U vezi s elektroničkim uredskim poslovanjem razlikuje se: uredsko poslovanje u elektroničkom obliku, koje se uređuje standardnim projektom elektroničkog uredskog poslovanja i korištenje elektroničkom poštom, elektroničkom ispravom i općenito dokumentima u elektroničkom obliku u uredskom poslovanju.
Također, važan pojam predstavlja i arhivska služba koja se obavlja kao javna služba obvezno na cijelom području Republike Hrvatske te sam pojam upravne pristojbe koja predstavlja naknadu troškova koju plaćaju pravne i fizičke osobe za spise i radnje pred tijelima državne uprave i drugim tijelima koje vode upravni postupak. Postupanje s podnescima stranke te sve radnje koje su nužne kako bi stranka ostvarila svoje pravo odnosno ispunila obvezu prikazuje se primjerom uredskog poslovanja unutar pisarnice gradske uprave u Šibeniku, što je u ovom slučaju zahtjev za davanje koncesijskog odobrenja za obavljanje djelatnosti na morskoj obali, unutrašnjim morskim vodama i teritorijalnom moru Republike Hrvatske. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Business process is defined as a set of rules, measures in dealing with the characters, their receiving and issuing written, their records and deliver in the work, processing, using, uploading, storing, and urinary excretion of surrender to the competent archives or other competent authority which constitutes the fundamental concepts that are the Scriptorium, the court records, document, in written form (the Act or submission), archives, clasification, registration number and the rest. The term of Office of a business within the State administration bodies that pertains to their entire scope of work, and prescribes the based the regulation on Office operations also with the most important principles that are necessary in order to achieve a timely and high-quality work within the administrative organization (principle of legality and accuracy, the principle of ekspeditivnosti, the principle of simplicity, clarity and uniformity when, the principle of economy (economy), and the principle of kindess.
Through analysis of the Office of operations special attention is given to the concept of the notary office, which hereinafter is defined as a special internal organizational unit in the agency or organization in which you are performing Office jobs (receiving and reviewing the acts and other mailings, sorting and arranging acts, entering the acts (record keeping), the delivery of acts in the work, administrative-technical acts, processing of shipment acts; distributing acts, placing the acts in the archives (records) and save) and her organs are shared on admissions , typing, Office otpravni Office, the delivery Office and archives.In connection with electronic office business is different: the business process in an electronic format, which governs the standard of the electronic project of office operations and the use of electronic mail, electronic document and in general all documents in electronic form to the Office business.
Also, an important concept it represents and the archival service which is done as a public service compulsory in the entire territory of the Republic of Croatia, and the notion of administrative fees representing the reimbursement of costs paid by legal entities and natural persons for writings and actions in front of the bodies of State administration and other bodies, which lead the administrative procedure. Treatment of memorials of the party and all the actions that are necessary to make the party achieve its right or has fulfilled the obligation is shown by the example of office operations within the Registrar's Office of the city administration in Šibenik, which is in this case a request to obtain approval of the concession for the performance of activities on the sea shore, the internal waters and territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia. |