Abstract | Temelj razvoja turističke djelatnosti područja Gospića i okolice su potencijali koji područje posjeduje, a ovim radom utvrđeno je da ih ima pregršt i da su raznoliki. Radi se o prirodnim ljepotama, preko kulturne baštine do raznih zbivanja tijekom godine. Neki potencijali su prepoznati i dobro iskorišteni, a na nekima treba poraditi. U radu su iznesene i razni čimbenici koji na određene načine ograničavaju turističku djelatnost, a samim tim i mogućnost gospodarskog napretka. Provedenim istraživanjem potvrđena je hipoteza da Gospić i okolica raspolažu potencijalima potrebnima za razvoj turizma. Razvoj turizma na ovom prostoru, unatoč dugoj i bogatoj tradiciji, često je bio otežan ili čak prekidan raznim povijesnim okolnostima, što je unatoč svim negativnim posljedicama ipak pridonijelo očuvanju gotovo nedirnutog okoliša, čistog zraka, bogatstva flore i faune, što danas predstavlja neizmjerno bogatstvo, ne samo u našim već i u europskim i svjetskim okvirima. Turistički resursi predstavljaju podlogu za razvoj turističke djelatnosti. Dobivena slika o trenutnom stanju turističkih potencijala smjernica je za razvijanje modela budućeg razvoja koji bi se trebao temeljiti na održivim oblicima turizma, na način da objedinjuje kulturnu, društvenu, ekološku, ekonomsku i tehnološku sferu. To uvjetuje korištenje resursa na racionalan način, istovremeno ih štiteći i stavljajući na raspolaganje za buduće generacije. Govoreći o iskorištenosti prirodnih i kulturnih resursa, može se reći da gospićki kapaciteti nisu još uvijek u potpunosti iskorišteni. |
Abstract (english) | The potentials possessed by the Gospić area are the basis for the development of tourism in this area, and this paper has proven that there are many of them, as well as the fact that they are versatile. Here we consider primarily the natural beauties, such as cultural heritage and various happenings during the year. Some of the potentials are acknowledged and well used, and some still need some work. This paper also considers some factors that in certain ways limit tourism, which affects the possibility of economical progress. The research that was carried out has proven the hypothesis that Gospić and its surroundings have the needed potentials for the development of tourism. The development of tourism in this area, despite its long and rich tradition, was often hindered or even interrupted by various historical circumstances, which has, despite all the negative consequences, still contributed to the preservation of an almost intact environment, clean air and boisterous flora and fauna, which today represents an incomparable wealth, not only in our own range, but in the European and global ones, too. The touristic resources represent the basis for the development of tourism. The retrieved image of the current state of touristic potentials is a guideline for the development of the model for the tourism of tomorrow, which should be based on sustainable touristic aspects so that it unites the cultural, social, ecological, economic and technological spheres. This can only be achieved through usage of our resources in a rational way, but also their simultaneous protection and preservation for the generations to come. In terms of the usage of natural and cultural resources, we could say that the capacities of Gospić are still not fully used. |