Title Povijesni razvoj međunarodnih organizacija
Author Antonija Božić
Mentor Ljubo Runjić (mentor)
Committee member Vesna Jurin Bakotić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Malenica (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljubo Runjić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Šibenik University of Applied Sciences (Administrative Law) Šibenik
Defense date and country 2016-07-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law International Law
Abstract Međunarodne organizacije su udruženja država koje se osnivaju temeljem ugovora, imaju svoj ustav i zajedničke organe, te posjeduju osobnost odvojenu od one država članica i subjekti su međunarodnog prava sa sposobnošću zaključivanja ugovora. Potreba za institucionalizacijom međunarodne suradnje javlja se u svim sredinama u kojima postoji više država među kojima postoje neke veze, bilo da su te veze gospodarske ili kulturne prirode. Prvi tragovi međunarodne suradnje mogu se naći kod drevnih civilizacija Mezopotamije, Kine, Egipta, Indije, Grčke i Rima, pa istraživanje o povijesti razvoja međunarodnih organizacija može obuhvatiti sva razdoblja od pojave prvih civilizacija pa sve do suvremenog doba. Razdoblje druge polovice devetnaestog stoljeća i prve polovice dvadesetog stoljeća smatra se razdobljem kada međunarodne organizacije polako dobivaju svoj suvremeni oblik, odnosno dolazi do velikih društvenih promjena u svim segmentima ljudskog života, intenzivira se i suradnja između država koja je uvjetovana razvojem i rastom industrije i trgovine, a shodnom tomu javlja se i potreba za regulacijom te suradnje na način da se na te međunarodne odnose svjesno utječe, te da se poduzimaju mjere za poboljšanjem tih odnosa. Završetkom Prvog svjetskog rata osniva se prva univerzalna međunarodna organizacija, Liga naroda, koja je kao glavnu zadaću imala sprečavanje ponavljanja užasa koji su zadesili Europu u Prvom svjetskom ratu. Liga naroda nije uspjela u svom iskonskom cilju, međutim ona je utrla put drugim modernim međunarodnim organizacijama, te je 1945. godine osnovana najveća univerzalna međunarodna organizacija Ujedinjeni narodi koja je najbliža idealu univerzalne međunarodne organizacije.
Abstract (english) International organisations are associations of countries which are founded on the basis of a contract, have theirown constitution and common institutions and posssess individuality separated from the one of the member states and are subjects of international law with the capacity of contract conclusion.The need for the institualisation of international cooperation is present in all the communinities where there are several countries that share certain connections, whether they are economical or cultural ones. The first traces of international cooperation can be found in ancient civilisations of Mesopotamia, China, Egypt, India, Greece and Rome, thus the reasearch about the history of development of international organisations could include all periods stretching from the beginnings of the first civilisations to the modern times.The period of the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century is considered to be the time when international organisations are starting to form their modern shape. Great social changes in all the segments of human life are starting to take place, the cooperation between countries which is conditioned by the development and the growth of industry and trade is intensifying and therefore the need for the regulation of that cooperation in a way that international relations are consciously being influenced upon and that measures for the improvment of those relations are being taken starts to occur.At the end of the World War I the first universal internationl organisation was founded, The League of Nations, whose main aim was to prevent the reoccurence of the horrors which befell Europe during the World war I. The League of Nations did not succeed in its primal goal, but it did pave the path for the other international organisations and in 1945 the greatest universal
international organisation was founded, The United Nations, which is the nearest to the ideal of the universal international organisation.
međunarodne organizacije
povijesni razvoj
Liga naroda
Ujedinjeni narodi
Keywords (english)
International Organizations
historical development
League of Nations
United Nations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:143:525752
Study programme Title: Undergraduate study of Administrative Law Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea)javne uprave (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea)javne uprave)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2016-07-18 08:12:57