Title Parkovi Dinarskog luka
Title (english) DINARIC ARC PARKS
Author Lucija Kapitanović
Mentor Tanja Radić Lakoš (mentor)
Committee member Dino Slavica (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasmina Sladoljev (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tanja Radić Lakoš (član povjerenstva)
Granter Šibenik University of Applied Sciences (Management) Šibenik
Defense date and country 2023-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Dinarski luk, planinski lanac prozva
n po planini Dinari, koja čini dio prirod n e granice između
Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine, ističe se po svojim raznovrsnim reljefnim oblicima i predivnim
krajolicima koj i predstavljaju bitna staništa brojnim biljnim i životinjskim vrstama. Uz prirodna
bogatstva, po čitavom području Dinarskog luka, mogu se pronaći vrijedni arheološki ostatci iz
doba antike i srednjeg vijeka, skupa sa zanimljivim ostatcima nekadašnjeg pastirskog života na
planinama. Jedinstveni oblici krškog reljefa, n etaknuta priroda koja čini dom raznim
endemskim i ugroženim vrstama biljaka i životinja , te vrijedna kulturno povijesna baština su
bili glavni poticaji Svjetskoj org a nizaciji za zaštitu prirode ( WWF da 2011. godine pokrene
projekt pod nazivom „Parkovi Dinarskog luka“ sa svrhom stvaranja mreže zaštićenih područja
između osam zemalja koja Dinarski luk prirodno povezuje M eđu tim zemljama spada i
Hrvatska. Projekt je re zultirao formiranjem asocijacije „Parkovi Dinarida mreža zaštićenih
područja Dinarida“ 2014. godine unutar koje se provodi međusobna razmjena znanja i dobre
prakse između zemalja članica s ciljem podizanja nivoa svijesti i znanja o važnosti zaštite
priro dnih područja i jačanjem postojećih zaštićenih područja Dinarskog luka. Prilikom samog
utemeljena ove mreže zaštićenih područja, donesen je Statut Parkova Dinarida , kojim se
utvrdilo unutarnje uređenje mreže i njezine temeljne funkcije, te joj se priključi lo 60 parkova ,
a danas broji preko stotinjak zaštićenih područja iz svih osam zemalja članica . Osim brzog
širenja mreže, as ocijacija Parkova Dinarida je svojim radom i zalaganjem za zaštitu prirodnih
područja dokazala da je vrijedan primjer suradnje između više zaštićenih područja , pogotovo u
današnjem razdoblju prepunog izazova u sferi zaštite prirodnih područja do čega je došlo zbog
klimatskih promjena i čovjekovih negativnih učinaka na prirodu i okoliš. Jedan od
najadekvatnijih načina smanjen j a čovjekovi h negativnih učinaka na okoliš je poticanje na
održivi turizam koji ujedno može doprinijeti jačanju zaštićenih područja.
Abstract (english) The Dinaric Arc, a mountain range named after the mountain Dinari, which forms part of the nature border between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, stands out for its various relief forms and beautiful landscapes that represent important habitats for numerous plant and animal species. In addition to natural resources, valuable archaeological remains from antiquity and the Middle Ages can be found throughout the entire area of the Dinaric Arc, together with interesting remains of the former pastoral life on the mountains. The unique forms of the karst relief, untouched nature that is home to various endemic and endangered species of plants and animals, and valuable cultural and historical heritage were the main motives for the World Organization for Nature Protection or WWF to launch a project called "Parks of the Dinaric Arc" in 2011 with the purpose of creating a network of protected areas between the eight countries that the Dinaric Arc naturally connects. Croatia is among these countries. The project resulted in the formation of the association "Parks Dinarides - The Parks Dinarides network" in 2014, within which mutual exchange of knowledge and good practices between member countries is carried out with the aim of raising the level of awareness and knowledge about the importance of protecting natural areas and strengthening the existing protected areas of the Dinaric Arc. When this network of protected areas was founded, the Statute of Parks Dinarides was made, which determined the internal organization of the network and its basic functions, and 60 parks joined it, while today there are over a hundred protected areas from all eight member countries. In addition to the rapid expansion of the network, the association of Parks Dinarides, through its work and commitment to the protection of natural areas, has proven that it is a valuable example of cooperation between several protected areas, especially in today's era full of challenges in the sphere of natural area protection, which has come due to climate change and humans negative effects on nature and the environment. One of the most adequate ways to reduce humans negative effects on the environment is to encourage sustainable tourism, which can also contribute to the strengthening of protected areas.
Dinarski luk projekt
Parkovi Dinarskog luka
održivi turizam
Keywords (english)
Dinaric Arc
project Parks of the Dinaric Arc
Parks Dinarides
sustainable tourism
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:143:232799
Study programme Title: Tourism Management; Tourism Management, Information Management - undergraduate - professional study; specializations in: Tourism Management, Information Management Course: Tourism Management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-11-08 12:38:37