Abstract | Tema ovog završnog rada je Upravno pravna regulacija prava na pristup informacijama. Kroz ovaj rad protežu se teme od samih početaka povijesnog razvitka prava na pristup informacijama i kako je započeo proces otvorenosti javne uprave prema građanima i mogućnosti uvida u pojedine informacije koje posjeduju tijela javne vlasti. U samom početku rada obrađena je tema međunarodne regulative kroz početke u okviru Europske zajednice i Unije. Obrađena su načela kao i međunarodni dokumenti. Kao glavni okvir u pisanju rada spominjemo Zakon o pravu na pristup infomacijama koji se proteže kroz cijeli rad. Zatim, dolazimo do glavnog dijela ovog rada, a to je objašnjavanje upravnog postupka prava na pristup informacijama kroz obrađene cjeline o načinu ostvarivanja prava, načinima podnošenja zahtjeva, rokovima za odlučivanje o zahtjevu, rješavanje o zahtjevu, zaprimanje i evidentiranje zahtjeva kao i provjera urednosti i potpunosti zahtjeva, odlučivanje o osnovanosti, provedba testa razmjernosti javnog interesa, donošenje rješenja, dostava informacija, dopuna i ispravak te postupke povodom žalbe. Također, uz navođenje pojedinih postupovnih odredbi koje su definirane samim zakonom, priložili smo i slike pojedinih zahjteva koji se odnose na pristup informacijama. Nakon obrade glavnih dijelova upravnog postupka pri ostvarivanju prava na pristup informacijama zbog svoje bitnosti posebno smo se dotakli teme koja se odnosi na institut Povjerenika za informiranje jer je isti važan za pravilno provođenje Zakona o pravu na pristup informacijama kao jamstvo ispravnosti te subjekt zaštite prava svih dionika navedenog Zakona. Naposljetku smo obradili način ostvarivanja ponovne uporabe informacija, zakonske razloge uskrate ponovne uporabe informacija kao i postupak naknade troškova. |
Abstract (english) | The topic of this final thesis is Administrative and legal regulation of the right to access to information. This paper covers topics from the very beginnings, the historical development of the right to access information and how the process of openness of public administration towards citizens and the possibility of insight into certain information held by public authorities began. At the very beginning of the work, the topic of international regulation was covered, through the beginnings within the framework of the European Community and the Union. The principles, as well as international documents, are covered. After that, we come to the part where we mention the Law on the Right to Access to Information, which extends throughout the entire paper, as the main framework for writing the paper. Then, we come to the main part of this work, which is the explanation of the administrative procedure of the right to access information through processed units on the way to exercise the right, the ways of submitting the request, the deadlines for deciding on the request, deciding on the request, receiving and recording the request, as well as checking for orderliness and completeness of the request, deciding on merits, implementation of the public interest proportionality test, decision-making, delivery of information, additions and corrections, and appeal procedures. Also, in addition to listing certain procedural provisions that are defined by the law itself, we have also attached pictures of certain requests related to access to information. After we have covered the main parts of the administrative procedure when exercising the right to access information, due to its importance, we have especially touched on the topic related to the institute of the Information
Commissioner, because it is important for the proper implementation of the Law on the right to access information, as a guarantee of correctness and the subject of protection of the rights of all stakeholders of the aforementioned Act. Finally, we have processed the method of realizing the reuse of information, the legal reasons for denying the reuse of information, as well as the procedure for charging costs.
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