Abstract | Tema ovog završnog rada jest Unutarnje ustrojstvo carinske uprave RH na primjeru Carinskog ureda Pula. U uvodu rada razmatra se cilj rada, metode rada i struktura rada. Prvo poglavlje bavi se pojmovnim određenjem carinske uprave, navođenjem poslova koje obavlja carinska uprava, carinskim ovlastima i važnosti carinske uprave. U drugom poglavlju objašnjava se unutarnje ustrojstvo carinske uprave s osvrtom na središnji ured, područne carinske urede, granične carinske urede te carinske službenike i njihovu ulogu. Treće poglavlje fokus stavlja na središte ovog rada odnosno na Carinski ured Pula isto kao i četvrto završno poglavlje. Opisuje se njegova struktura i organizacija, uključujući specifične odjele ureda i njihove funkcije. Ističu se jedinstvene karakteristike i operativne specifičnosti koje čine ovaj ured ključnim za carinsku kontrolu u regiji. Razrađuju se problemi i poteškoće, uključujući operativne, tehničke i administrativne izazove te se naglašava doprinos Carinskog ureda Pula ekonomiji i prilike za budući razvoj, s posebnim fokusom na digitalizaciju, suradnju s međunarodnim partnerima, i modernizaciju infrastrukture. Kroz sveobuhvatnu analizu, rad ističe ključnu ulogu Carinskog ureda Pula u efikasnom upravljanju trgovinskim tokovima i doprinosu ekonomiji, kao i prilike za poboljšanje i razvoj u budućnosti. |
Abstract (english) | The topic of this final paper is the internal structure of the Customs Administration of Croatia using the example of the Customs Office in Pula. The introduction discusses the objectives, methods, and structure of the paper. The first chapter addresses the conceptual definition of the Customs Administration, outlining its functions, customs authorities, and the importance of the Customs Administration. The second chapter explains the internal organization of the Customs Administration, with a focus on the central office, regional customs offices, border customs offices, and customs officers and their roles. The third chapter, along with the fourth concluding chapter, focuses on the core of this paper—the Customs Office in Pula. It describes its structure and organization, including specific departments and their functions. The unique characteristics and operational specifics that make this office crucial for customs control in the region are highlighted. Problems and challenges are explored, including operational, technical, and administrative issues, and the contribution of the Customs Office in Pula to the economy and future development opportunities is emphasized, with a special focus on digitalization, international cooperation, and infrastructure modernization. Through a comprehensive analysis, the paper highlights the crucial role of the Customs Office in Pula in the efficient management of trade flows and its contribution to the economy, as well as opportunities for improvement and future development. |