Abstract | Danas je euro sluţbena valuta u sveukupno 20 drţava koje su ĉlanice Europske unije, te se to naziva eurozona ili europodruĉje, i obuhvaća više od 340 milijuna graĊana. Pristupanjem Europskoj uniji 2013. godine Republika Hrvatska obvezala se usvojiti euro. Postupak uvoĊenja nove valute, eura, u Republici Hrvatskoj kao jedinstvene sluţbene valute i zamjene hrvatske kune, moţemo se sloţiti da je bio dugotrajan i ne tako jednostavan proces. UvoĊenje eura je nesumnjivo utjecalo na graĊane, poduzeća i gospodarstvo u cjelini. Uz prednosti koje donosi, kao što su stabilnost cijena, lakše transakcije, manji troškovi konverzije, širi izbor dostupnih proizvoda i usluga, efikasnije, jeftinije i bolje regulirano poslovanje u eurozoni, tu su i odreĊeni nedostaci, kao što je gubitak vlastite monetarne politike i makroekonomske neravnoteţe koje se javljaju kao proizvod suprotstavljenih potreba monetarne unije i drţave. U ovom radu upoznajemo se sa eurom, eurozonom, zamjenom hrvatske kune eurom koji je postao sluţbena valuta u Republici Hrvatskoj te prednostima i nedostacima koje je euro donio Republici Hrvatskoj. |
Abstract (english) | Today, the euro is the official currency in a total of 20 countries that are members of the European Union, and it is called the eurozone or euro area, and includes more than 340 million citizens. By joining the European Union in 2013, the Republic of Croatia undertook to adopt the euro. We can agree that the process of introducing a new currency, the euro, in the Republic of Croatia as a single official currency and replacing the Croatian kuna was a long and not so simple process. The introduction of the euro undoubtedly had an impact on citizens, businesses and the economy as a whole. Along with the advantages it brings, such as price stability, easier transactions, lower conversion costs, a wider selection of available products and services, more efficient, cheaper and better regulated business in the eurozone, there are also certain disadvantages, such as the loss of one's own monetary policy and macroeconomic imbalances that arise as a product of the conflicting needs of the monetary union and the state. In this paper, we get to know the euro, the eurozone, the replacement of the Croatian kuna with the euro, which became the official currency in the Republic of Croatia, and the advantages and disadvantages that the euro brought to the Republic of Croatia. |