Title Segmentacija turističkog tržišta
Author Krešimir Fabrizio Olivari
Mentor Jelena Šišara (mentor)
Committee member Divna Goleš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasmina Sladoljev (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Šišara (član povjerenstva)
Granter Šibenik University of Applied Sciences (Management) Šibenik
Defense date and country 2024-09-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract U radu se objašnjava važnost segmentiranja tržišta u turizmu. Segmentacija tržišta je direktno vezana za marketing, jer segmentacija tržišta predstavlja jednu od funkcija marketinga. Zbog te nerazdvojne povezanosti, razvijanjem marketinga razvijale su se i njegove funkcije i važnost u svijetu poslovanja. Taj razvoj je najbolje dokumentiran u poslovnom razvoju SAD-a kroz četiri ere razvoja. Rad nastavlja s objašnjenjem funkcije marketinga u današnjem vremenu, te važnost koju prikupljanje i analiziranje podataka ima za poslovanje poduzeća. Analiziranjem mikro i makro okruženja poduzeća ili organizacije uz otkrivanje slabosti i snaga, te preko primjećivanja i predviđanja prijetnji i prilika, te uloga tih istraživanja u samom strategiji marketinga će moći omogućiti poduzeću uspješno poslovanje. Uz objašnjavanje važnosti makro i mikro okruženja, u radu se opisuje izrada marketinškog plana. Marketinški plan osim same izrade, mora biti uspješno proveden, te se mora vršiti kontrola, preko koje će se moći reagirati na iznenadne prijetnje. Proces izrade marketinške strategije povezan sa segmentacijom tržišta, te more se reći i da je proizvodni proces povezan također. U današnje vrijeme odjeli marketinga u velikoj količini slučajeva je povezan s samom kreacijom proizvoda poduzeća. Marketinški miks pomaže pri kreaciji proizvoda sa dobro isplaniranim planom kreiranja, distribucije, promoviranja i određivanja vrijednosti u obliku cijene. Rad objašnjava specifičnosti turističkog tržišta, te nastavlja sa opisom marketinga u turizmu, te njegova važnost čini ga jednim od najvažniji odjela u poslovanju turističke destinacije. Nakon objašnjenja turističkog tržišta rad prelati na glavnu temu segmentacije tržišta, gdje se opisuju glavne varijable segmentacije uz statistiku i segmentaciju u turističkom tržištu. Segmentacija tržišta se također koristi pri određivanju ciljnog tržišta. Zadnji dio rada uključuje segmentaciju koju su obavile organizacije HTZ i TOMAS istraživanje o turističkom tržištu u Hrvatskom tijekom nekoliko godina, kao i trendove koji se mogu primijetiti preko proučavanja podataka o tržištu.
Abstract (english) The paper explains the importance of market segmentation in tourism. Market segmentation is directly related to marketing, because market segmentation is one of the functions of marketing. Due to this inseparable connection, with the development of marketing, its functions and importance in the world of business also developed. This development is best documented in US business development through four eras of development. The paper continues with an explanation of the function of marketing in today's time, and the importance that collecting and analyzing data has for business operations. Analyzing the micro and macro environment of a company or organization while discovering weaknesses and strengths, as well as noticing and predicting threats and opportunities, and the role of these researches in the marketing strategy itself will enable the company to operate successfully. Along with explaining the importance of the macro and micro environment, the paper describes the creation of a marketing plan. In addition to the creation of the marketing plan, it must be successfully implemented, and control must be exercised, through which it will be possible to react to sudden threats. Nowadays, the marketing department is in a large number of cases connected with the very creation of the company's products. The marketing mix helps in creating a product with a well-planned plan to create, distribute, promote and determine value in the form of price. The paper explains the specifics of the tourist market, and continues with the description of marketing in tourism, and its importance makes it one of the most important departments in the business of a tourist destination. After the explanation of the tourist market, the paper turns to the main topic of market segmentation, where the main segmentation variables are described along with statistics and segmentation in the tourist market. Market segmentation is also used in determining the target market. The last part of the paper includes the segmentation carried out by the organizations HTZ and TOMAS, research on the tourist market in Croatia over several years, as well as trends that can be observed through the study of market data.
turistička ponuda
ciljno tržište
segmentacija tržišta
Keywords (english)
tourist offer
target market
market segmentation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:143:791193
Study programme Title: Tourism Management; Tourism Management, Information Management - undergraduate - professional study; specializations in: Tourism Management, Information Management Course: Tourism Management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-09-23 08:05:52