Abstract | Potrošač je ključ poslovanja svakog suvremenog poduzeća jer upravo mu on donosi profit te mu omogućava rast, razvoj i opstanak. Ukoliko poduzeće nema dovoljno dobro razvijen koncept upravljanja odnosima s potrošačima, zasigurno neće rasti, razvijati se pa ni opstati. Tim konceptom poduzeće treba zadovoljiti potrebe, želje i zahtjeve potrošača što se posebno naglašava posljednjih godina, budući da su one sve veće, a paralelno je i tržište sve dinamičnije te je konkurencija sve veća.
Lidl je primjer poduzeća koje uspješno posluje već dugi niz godina na mnogim svjetskim tržištima i, pri tome, puno pažnje posvećuje svojim potrošačima. Ovo poduzeće uspješno upravlja odnosima sa svojim potrošačima te konstantno razvija programe lojalnosti od kojih se najviše ističe Lidl Plus digitalna kartica. Korištenjem te kartice članovi programa lojalnosti imaju razne pogodnosti u obliku popusta, nagrada i kupona. Međutim, kao i svako drugo uspješno poduzeće, i Lidl ne treba stati na ovome što je do sada postigao već treba i dalje uvoditi neke nove dodatne mogućnosti za svoje potrošače. Time bi postigao još veću lojalnost postojećih, ali bi i privukao neke nove potrošače. |
Abstract (english) | The customer is the key to the business of every modern company because it is he who brings him profit and enables him to grow, develop and survive. If the company does not have a sufficiently well-developed concept of customer relationship management, it will certainly not grow, develop or even survive. With this concept, the company should satisfy the needs, wishes and demands of customers, which has been especially emphasized in recent years, since they are getting bigger, and at the same time, the market is becoming more dynamic and the competition is increasing.
Lidl is an example of a company that has been operating successfully for many years in many world markets and, at the same time, pays a lot of attention to its customers. This company successfully manages relations with its consumers and constantly develops loyalty programs, the most outstanding of which is the Lidl Plus digital card. By using this card, members of the loyalty program have various benefits in the form of discounts, prizes and coupons. However, like any other successful company, Lidl should not stop at what it has achieved so far, but should continue to introduce some new additional options for its customers. This would achieve even greater loyalty of the existing ones, but would also attract some new customers. |