Abstract | Pandemija bolesti COVID-19 negativno je djelovala na sve sektore društva, a posebno na turizam. Uslijed širenja bolesti, donosile su se razne mjere i restrikcije što se odrazilo na turističke rezultate. Kulturni turizam je sve značajnija vrsta turizma jer kultura i kulturna baština destinacije doprinose njenoj turističkoj privlačnosti. Za putovanja kulturnih turista važni su motivi želje za stjecanjem novih iskustava i spoznaja u povijesti, umjetnosti, baštine, kulture života i rada turističke destinacije koju posjećuju. U vrijeme pandemije COVID-19 mnogo je kulturnih institucija bilo suočeno sa zatvaranjem, a mnogo kulturnih događanja sa neodržavanjem. Međutim, kao posljedica svega toga javila se bolja suradnja sektora turizma i kulture. Hrvatske turističke destinacije, a posebno grad Šibenik, opstale su i uslijed pandemije te su još više i ojačale. Grad Šibenik je jedan od hrvatskih gradova koji se ističe po svom kulturnom turizmu te naglašava važnost svojih prirodnih i kulturnih vrijednosti. U ovome se gradu kulturni turizam nalazi se na visokom rangu sadržaja, a iako nije u 2021. i 2022. godini uspio dostići rezultate ostvarene prije pandemije, Šibenik je svakako na dobrome putu prema tome. Naime, već u 2020. godini kulturni turizam u ovome gradu bilježi zavide rezultate što se još više poboljšalo u 2022. godini te se u budućnosti očekuju još bolji rezultati. |
Abstract (english) | The COVID-19 pandemic had a negative impact on all sectors, especially tourism. Due to the spread of the disease, various measures and restrictions were adopted, which affected the tourist results. An increasingly important type of tourism is cultural, because the culture and cultural heritage of the destination contribute to its tourist attraction. For the trips of cultural tourists, the desire to acquire new experiences and knowledge in the history, art, heritage, culture of life and work of the tourist destination they visit are important motives. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many cultural institutions were faced with closure, and many cultural events were not held. However, as a consequence of all this, better cooperation between the tourism and culture sectors has emerged. Croatian tourist destinations, especially the city of Šibenik, survived the pandemic and became even stronger. The city of Šibenik is one of the Croatian cities that stands out for its cultural tourism and emphasizes the importance of its natural and cultural values. In this city, cultural tourism is at a high level of content, and, although it did not manage, in 2021st and 2022nd, to reach the results achieved before the pandemic, Šibenik is certainly on the right track towards that. Namely, already in 2020, cultural tourism in this city recorded enviable results, which improved even more in 2022, and even better results are expected in the future. |